If you were wondering what I was up to let me say that I was busy as a bee.
No new digitized designs but a lot of embroidered patches for my Czech customers. I try to keep my activities balanced but sometimes it’s quite difficult to do a little bit of everything and it’s more productive to work in blocks.
So I made new color varieties of popular Vehicles. For you owning the embroidery machines the set is available here.
Some more color varieties of lil’ flowers. One has never enough of these.
More sophisticated flower appliques:
I love testing new fabric with proved designs but what was even bigger fun was trying an established design in new, much bigger size. It might not be obvious from the picture but the big rose on the left is really BIG – 20×20 cm. See the bobbin on the right for comparison. I’m not sure what will I use this design for but I’m really happy how it turned out. And I think the fabric I used is just brilliant for this design size.
I’m also working on several new embroidery design sets. Some of the newbies I’m testing directly on appliques so that they have practical use as jeans patches or kids clothes embellishments.
Everybody have a nice summer and until next time Happy Embroidering!