Andre alphabet – letters Q-U

Today’s set of letters includes both capital and small letters Q, R, S, T and U. We are almost there!

I must admit that when I started this alphabet series on the blog, the timeline for sharing was completely different. I definitely didn’t intend to stretch it out for so long. But life happens. So if you’ve been patient enough to wait this long, you have my thanks. Next time I have a similar idea, I’ll try to plan it out a bit better.

With today’s letters you can assemble a lot of internationally popular names, like Anette, Julie, Laura, Lucia, Maria, Martine, Patricia, Paula, Sofia, Stella and many more, these are just the ones that came to my mind quickly while creating the letters. 

As you can see on the image below, the floral arrangement from the monogram can also be used to embellish the embroidery area, create a border, frame, etc. If you have an embroidery editing software, it’s a breeze. I’m going to write about it a new article for my “Embird tips” series that I do for my Czech blog. Would you be interested in English version of such tutorial? Is anybody here working with Embird?

Here’s the .zip file with all today’s letters.

Enjoy and see you soon. Until then: Happy Embroidering!

3 thoughts on “Andre alphabet – letters Q-U”

  1. Good morning,dear Jana,
    Years ago I received the embird program from my husband, unfortunately I don’t understand the program as well as I would like. So I would really like it if there was a tutorial on how to use embird, thank you in advance, also thanks for the fantastic free patterns that we receive from you every time, warm regards

    1. Good morning,
      It’s really not easy to start with Embird (just like with any other new program;-). But once you master it, it’s really an amazing and powerful tool. I am considering posting tips on working with Embird but making a tutorial is quite time consuming so I’m still deciding whether I’m able to provide lessons on some kind of regular basis. And as I’m not a native English speaker, this also is an issue I have to take into account. Would you please look at my lesson in Czech and tell me whether you can make any use of it with the help of translator? I use print screens of program in Czech but as I also insert icons that are used I think it can be mostly understandable. I could definitely provide more lessons if I could only work with one language rather than doing everything twice. But I need to hear whether it is acceptable this way. Please let me know.

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