What I’m working on

At the end of the month I usually finalize preparation of the two designs for STGN CLUB. If you didn’t know this club yet, you should check it out. It’s a part of OregonPatchworksMall.

I’ve been a part of the OPW Mall vendors since 2003 already. At that time there were about 15 participants if I remember correctly. And look at the Mall now! There are almost one hundred shops and the assortment of embroidery designs is endless. And there is always some sale going on so you can shop for great prices.

Some of us vendors participate in STGN Club – Silver Threads Golden Needles. Each month we supply two brand new, exclusive designs that are then composed into a collection of 70+ designs that the club members can buy for a very reasonable price.

This month I’m submitting two floral designs. If you know me already, it might not surprise you;-)


Besides that I also try to make final touches on my recent design set Vehicles. All the designs are ready and successfully tested.

Some of the embroideries are already up on my Fler shop as stand alone appliques and I’m proud to say they are being sold pretty well!

Now off to my embroidery machine to create something new:-)