These designs have been in the making for such a long time that I can’t even tell you the exact day I started with them. Shame on me!
Usually, I quite quickly digitize most of the designs for my embroidery sets. When I’m “in the flow”, the ideas come to my head faster than I can even realize so I make drafts for the designs not to forget the ideas and then I do the proper digitizing trying to make the design not only nice and attractive but also user friendly. Being an embroiderer myself means that I know what are the needs from customer’s perspective. Nobody wants to mess with too many useless thread changes, especially if you embroider for profit. I try to make smart designs, that only have as many thread changes as necessary and I also keep those with multi-needle machines on mind and try to create the designs in a way that would allow them to do the steps requiring their action in the beginning and then leaving their machine doing its work alone while they do some other work.
This needs a lot of thinking, trying and testing while digitizing but I always find it better to invest time during preparations and then save as much time as possible during embroidering.
But still all this work doesn’t take me as much time as the last step does. Preparing all those color charts that need to be not double- but quadruple-checked to avoid any possible mistake, photographing projects to showcase the use of designs, writing promotional texts, creating graphics and other activities that take even more time if they are interrupted and not being done continuously – that is what usually delays the introduction of new set. And most of this work has to be made both in English and Czech.
So sometimes it can easily happen that there is a set, or even two, resting in my folders for MONTHS (!), waiting to be released.
The evolving process of this set started slowly with a single design for STGN Club couple of years ago:
It was later followed by ready-to-use sew-on appliques for my shop at Fler (Czech variation of Etsy):
Then my friend Caramilla, designer and owner of pattern company used my appliques to create this wonderfull tee for her son. Don’t tell anyone that this little boy already grew out of his tee by the time the set was released;-)
I tested the designs in many colors and variations and these ready patches sold out completely on my e-shop.
And still the set was not released!
But now finally everything is done and uploaded both for my Czech and English speaking customers. And finally, after gazillions of my flowers and laces, I have digitized some designs that can be used also for the boys;-)
If you haven’t done any appliques on your embroidery machine before, fear not, instructions include complete photo guide that is clear even for absolute beginners.
You can use the following freebie to test the quality of my designs. Click here for download:
You can play with endless combinations of applique fabrics to create various looks, or you can omit the central appliqued part or even embroider it as regular design without any applique fabric. Just use your fantasy. Embroider these designs to create original outfits for your little ones or use them as clever masking of little spots or damages on tees, shorts, jackets, sweatpants and many more. Size of the designs is 9-10 cm (3.92″-4.00″).
Hope you like these new designs as much as I do. See you soon and Happy Embroidering!
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