Unicorn Tee

Have you also jumped on the unicorn bandwagon? Having a daughter, I just had to. It’s quite surprising for me how long this animal is trending, after 8-9 years it’s still “in” at us. We just moved from cartoon-type prints and embroideries to some more cool variants. And what is currently more cool that sequins?

I can embroider on almost anything and can digitize embroidery designs with various techniques but I certainly can’t do sequin machine embroidery. And I’m too busy (and too lazy) to sew the sequins by hand. So to please my teenager I did some internet search and purchased a ready made double sided sequin motif.

Source: www.bubulakovo.cz

I’ve decided to apply this silver-pink motif on carchoal grey top that I made of cotton jersey with spandex picked from my enormous what I call “archive”;-).

I’ve picked very simple pattern from my favourite magazine Ottobre Designs:

I have lengthened the sleeves a little bit and also made the tee longer in the back. The edges were topstitched with pink thread on my coverlock.

Prior to appliqueing the motif, I’ve stabilized the back of the fabric with iron-on stabilizer that I removed afterwards. I used spray adhesive to attach the motif and added few pins to secure it in place. Then I used classic zig-zag stitch with lower density to sew on the motif.

For attaching the appliques, I always use one of my applique feet, depending on material and type of applique. Each of them has its pros and cons. Both of them can be used with IDT on my Pfaff which really is a great feature.

This is the closeup of attached motif:

And now the favourite entertainment with turning the sequins up and down can begin!

Hope you like my creation and I’ll be back soon.

Until the next time, happy embroidering.