Tag: mandala
Mandalas pillow
I’ve been really busy recently and had no time for sewing but I really did miss the relaxing time at my machine so I needed to make some quick project…
Freebie Friday #3
If you know my website already you might be familiar with this design. But let me refresh it for the newbies.
5×7 Mandalas 1
Well, my plans for 2021 regarding more frequent digitizing apparently did not went well…
Not producing … but still busy
I’m so lame this year! I mean digitizing-wise.
What I’ve been doing
I kinda can’t get in the digitizing mood as my Czech e-shop keeps me busy so let me share what I’ve been producing for my local customers.
Floral Mandalas
New mandala designs just landed! They combine my love for flowers and also some geometric evenness which is what makes them so interesting and attractive. Those of you who are…
Mandalas 2
Yet before my set Mandalas hit the market I knew I would be making set Nr. 2 soon. It took longer than anticipated but voilà – Mandalas 2 are here.
October makes
Let me share with you what I was working on recently. I remember writing a blog post in spring about how difficult it can be to divide my time between…
Embroideries for everyone
In the past I’ve been often sorry for the ones who admire embroidery but cannot afford buying an embroidery machine. As I wrote in my previous post, these machines have…
My Sewing
I need to say my love for embroidery came from my love for sewing. Actually, I’ve been doing hand embroidery since being a very little girl but after I started…
Customer’s projects
I got to say I’m always pleased when some of my customers send me pictures of projects embellished with my designs.
New collection: Mandalas I.
Finally, this beautiful collection has been uploaded both to my Czech and English website.