If you are a freebie lover or addicted designs collector, or even a digitizer yourself, I bet you keep compiling testing samples just like I do. Besides really poor stitchouts, I’m unable to throw away almost anything.
Being a digitizer myself, most of my embroidered samples are stitchouts of my own designs. I put extreme effort into the testing so I have many of them. And I mean MANY! 99% of them are top quality since thanks to contemporary digitizing softwares most of possible mistakes can be caught during the digitizing process already. But I like to play with colours and materials so I make a lot of design variations.
Some of these samples are used up for creating projects that accompany the new set release. I like to show my customers what can be done with the desing. Some I gift to my friends or customers knowing they make a good use of out them. But still there are a lot of stitchouts left.
And their time comes when I have a day when I “just want to sew something”. I sew all of my garments but sometimes I don’t feel like I want to measure and fit to figure and even find the pattern and decide where I’m gonna wear the garment. And sewing something easy and quick, like a pillow or toilet bag that doesn’t require much thinking and I can sew while listening to podcast or audiobook, that is just the right activity that can even revive fading sew-jo.
So one rainy evening the following setup was compiled on my table:
And I shot little photo-series to show the process of the making. Hope it is clear as it is, without any text.
I have used and endless zipper, designs are from my Gardenias collections. Finished size of the pillow is 40×40 cm (16×16″).
Voilà! Pillow is done. Embroidered panel can be orientated vertically or horizontally, both versions look good.
Hope you like this mini photo tutorial.
Until the next time, happy embroidering.
Tak tento příspěvek mně přišel právě vhod. Mám koupenou a předepranou látku na polštáře, jen nejhorší je pro mě vždy vše poměřit a odhodlat se střihnout do látky, kolik přidat na švy atd. Teď už vím, že na švy přidávat nebudu a zipy jsem jako samouk v minulosti všívala složitěji. Teď se na ty povlaky na polštáře úplně těším. Děkuji za inspiraci a praktické rady.